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Some people like their cookies soft. Some people like their cookies crunchy. But if you’re feeling the deep burning desire for some soft *and* crunchy cookies (and frankly, if you’re not then there’s clearly something wrong with you) you need to whip yourself up a batch of swamp cookies.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees(190C) and hunt down the following:

Swamp cookie ingredients

Swamp cookie ingredients

  • 100g butter
  • a giant handful of brown sugar
  • a giant handful of granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • a toss of vanilla
  • a wee bit of salt
  • a wee bit of baking soda
  • oatmeal
  • flour
  • couscous
  • chocolate chips

    Chop the butter up in to little squares and throw giant handfuls of equal size of each type of sugar on top. In a separate cup, beat the eggs and add a toss of vanilla – pour that on top of the sugar. Add giant handfuls of equal size of oatmeal, flour and couscous and then toss in a wee bit of salt and a smaller bit of baking soda.

    Swamp cookie proto-dough

    Swamp cookie proto-dough

    Stir until the consistency is good and doughy, then add chocolate chips.

    Swamp cookie dough

    Swamp cookie dough

    Toss giant lumps of dough onto a cookie sheet and cook for 10-12 minutes – the cookies should be still be a little soupy when you remove them from the oven.

    Swamp cookies

    Swamp cookies

    Let them sit for five minutes and then gorge yourself on them! Yum!

    Swamp cookies

    Swamp cookies


It started innocently enough, the loud flop of a magazine dropping through the mail slot onto the hardwood floor. I scuffed over to the front door and picked it up. Bon Appetit, March 2000, with the cover proclaiming loudly “Cookie of the Year.”


The answer is, emphatically, YESRLY.

Now, these aren’t your everyday cookies – the chocolate chip, peanut butter, oatmeal raisin stand-bys that by now you throw together with your eyes closed and the last three go stale before you eat them. These cookies are SO EFFING GOOD they should be used judiciously and strategically. Reviews coming up at work? Drop a batch of these cookies in the conference room nearest your manager, write ENJOY on a hot-pink sticky and let the receptionist know on the sly that you brought them. Two bedroom corner apartment coming up for rent in your building? Call the building manager about that leaky faucet in your cramped studio that’s been driving you nuts, and have the first batch cooling when he arrives. Read the rest of this entry »

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